Low carbon economy

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. As a leading provider of novated leasing and fleet management services, MMS is in a unique position to help our customers reduce their impact on the environment and transition to a low carbon future.

Since FY23 we have been measuring our customers average emissions intensity (grams of tailpipe CO2 emissions per kilometer) for our customer leased vehicles. In FY24 we saw tailpipe emissions reduced across our AMS and GRS businesses.


Tailpipe emissions FY23 v FY241

Tailpipe emissions FY23 v FY241


Reducing our operational impact

Tailpipe emissions FY23 v FY241


Our direct impact on the environment primarily relates to the operation of our offices and car yards.

In FY24 our net GHG emissions reduced by 19% from FY23 and have reduced by 63% from our baseline year of FY19.


Other achievements in FY24 include:

•  All our controllable sites are powered by 100% renewable electricity.2

•  We transitioned 29% of our internal company car fleet to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV).

•  We achieved a 5.5 star NABERS energy rating for our office space at Melbourne Central Tower.

To read more about how we’re supporting a low carbon economy read our FY24 Sustainability Report here.


1 For AMS the metric includes active Passenger and Light Commercial Vehicles only, with funding facilitated by MMS and excludes pre-paid maintenance and managed-only fleet. For GRS, the metric includes active novated leases as at 30 June 2024,originated by Maxxia, RemServ and Oly. Tailpipe emissions are measured as grams of tailpipe CO2 emissions per kilometre.

2 Controllable sites are where MMS has the ability t choose the electricity provider using the existing building infrastructure.



Published Thu, 21/09/2023 - 07:54